Icecrown (Chromie time): Basic Chemistry Broken

The quest [Basic Chemistry], which is given by Thassarian aboard the Skybreaker, is generally a “group quest” where you go and use the item [Pustulant Spinal Fluid] on a cauldron in Mord’rethar. It sadly is broken and cannot be completed at this moment.

In the quest you use the item and the cauldron spawns mobs in a fairly random order. Usually either two elite ghouls or eight to ten small slimes. Most of the time between batches of mobs being summoned it will give you a message to add more of the “agent” ([Pustulant Spinal Fluid]) in a manner of “Add soon” or “Add NOW!” or it will just say that it is still brewing and summon a new batch.

The Bug: While attempting to solo this “group quest” I was able to fend off the mobs decently as an unholy DK. But the problem was that the messages alerting me when to add the agent would be all over the place.

Generally at first it would work properly. But after a few times it would do one of a few things.

  • Sit there and just end on its own as if I had failed.
  • Put up two messages at the same time.
  • Put up the “Add NOW!” message then saying that it had failed even though I added the agent immediately.
  • Just announce that it failed without any other message.

I attempted this quest five to ten times as it angered me knowing that while it was a challenge for my Death Knight I was able to solo the quest yet the bug disabled me from completing it.