"Tuskars Movement" (new allied race?): "desperate" streamers or A Blizz Meme

I’m going to summarize the post as much as I can and leave videos talking and analyzing the Tuskars theme of dragonflight and wondering why all of a sudden material or clickbait about the Tuskars appears.
I ask myself, will it be a commercial strategy of Blizz to encourage the acceptance of a new allied race?

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They gotta be able to be hunters right? I’d play a tuskaar hunter


I’m perfectly fine with Tuskarr as a playable race. I’ve seen them requested off and on through many years, so I know they have some fans. Not really sure to expect them or not, but they’d be neat as a playable race, I’m sure.

If they become playable, hopefully they’ll be able to be on the Horde or Neutral. I’d make a male Survival Hunter Tuskarr on the Horde if so. :seal:

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i do not think tuskarr would be a allied race if the racials players want might be op
like breath under water and combat.

Hah, yeah, any race that could breathe indefinitely underwater would totally be OP.


yea looks at the alpha forsaken build lol

(the joke is that we can breathe underwater indefinitely currently)


i know but they had no gauge at first

And it was removed again in WoD. We’ve had no breath meter for years now.

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did not played wod i thought after the test alpha removed it to balance it out

I’m going to comment to you on what an important manager said about the Tuskars: mmm tuskar seems to me a powerful race it is likely to be a possible playable race. That’s why I ask, is it a commercial strategy for Blizz to hype the tuskar race through streamers or is it that they want to draw attention to wow players so they can see their videos.

The latter. Blizz isnt gonna leak stuff to streamers to hype it up.

And think about where they got the image that the Tuskars race mount is an otter, you saw it and Blizz never showed it

I means it ain’t like Tuskars are strangers to fightin’: They’ve been surviving in the generally-always-violent Northrend for quite a whiles now.

I’d certainly give ones a go.


What? One of the screenshots they showed in the initial reveal was a Tuskar on an otter.

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And what would be the rejection of the acceptance of the Tuskars race I see that there is a Tuskars movement but I think that the community does not like it after they remastered nobody accepts them I would give the points

I realize that English probably isn’t your first language but I honestly have no idea what you’re trying to say.

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I must be missing something. I see 4 videos being promoted and no summary nor opinion or thoughts given.

Meme walrus people seem like they’d be less popular than Kul’tiran.

10/10 would arf arf.

More random races and fewer elf reskins.