Is Retail worth playing?

I’m on TBCC and already ran into issues with people gold buying RMT and using it to essentially buy out BiS gear.

Is Retail the exact same? I don’t want to invest my time in this game if the whole thing is gonna be some competition to see who has the most money.

Nope wow has won awards every year. You’ll be proud to know you’ve invested time in to this game. Especially recently

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I don’t think Sexual Assault charges count as awards, if they did count then Blizzard would’ve won the Oscars for workplace harassment.


Do you want people to answer your question or are you just here to waste our time? Seeems like you have a grasp on the situation already


If you enjoy the mythic+, raid, pvp, worldquest loop then sure.

If not, then no.


Blizzard was not charged with sexual assault, individuals within Blizzard are the object of that investigation. There are still a lot of people working at Blizzard that don’t deserve that accusation and I’m guessing that would include most of the women.


Yes, everyone in retail got everything they ever achieve by rmt, you can quit the game and play lost ark so you can do rmt but its cool to pretend its fine there.

btw the guys that did harass women worked in in wow from tbc(some form vanilla) to mop, nice move honoring them with your time.

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I’m a casual player. I do the quests and an occasional dungeon.

I’ve been playing since Cataclysm and I love the game.


Retail has the wow token which is blizzard’s version of selling gold but in a TOS friendly way.

Basically, someone buys wow token for 20 dollars and sticks it on the AH, someone else buys it and you get the gold 1 hour later.

You can then use the gold on whatever you want. It’s around 150k gold per token to 170k gold per token.

The reason that the other person buys the token off the ah is to sustain wowtime (essentially free to play) or to add bnet balance (for other games, transfers, name changes, race changes, etc.)

How is doing quests at max level in under max level zones enjoyable? Its worse than ESOs setup because here you 1 shot everything. Theres zero risk/reward.

Now, if chromie time could be used at max level to scale up all zones to up the difficulty…then we’d be talking.

Until then, your gameplay style is very one off.

That’s ridiculous blizzard isn’t selling Dragonflight just so you can spend chromie time at level 70, the endgame is at Dragonflight

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Not everyone likes doing raiding, m+ or PvP

You don’t need gold to play the game. People who only use gold to purchase rating/items etc will not have an advantage due to the difficulty difference in encounter gameplay loops between classic and TBC.

Due to lack of encounter difficulty and class rotation simplicity gear has a much more significant impact in classic/TBC than it does in retail.
Retail rotations are much more complex/reactive and the encounters significantly more engaging which leads to people who simply buy boosts not having the actual ability to utilise it to any significant degree.

I assume that is the only real thing of importance to you on whether you should play, due to your post.

not right now its not i would wait until dragonflight launches wow will be a much better game then.

i wouldnt advise anyone to play wow right now at all.

you realize you can join a guild that doesn’t run GDKP right? I have been raiding classic with the same guys since Molten Core, never done a GDKP run… I dont care how other people get their gear.

I can see pvp arena carries having an impact on how others play the game but not gdkp raids

Far more than any “Classic” iteration.

Na. You are better sticking to TBCC. SL is still horrible. I cam back to see if anything good changed, but nothing so far.

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Depends? There’s ton of stuff to do and season 4 coming up. But you should expect dailies and grinds too.

I mean it’s only a competition if you make it one. Outside of pvp, it doesn’t matter what other people have compared to you.

If you psychologically feel inferior to someone because they used WoW tokens to buy carries and thus have better gear, then that’s entirely on you.

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retail is designed to manipulate you

most players apparently do not like this design focus change as the playerbase crumbles within the first couple tiers where before this type of design wow had solid player retention until the last second of the xpac