Evoker prepatch release is going to be interesting

So I know we are getting Evoker in the 10.0 prepatch. I suspect this is going to be very awkward to play considering the following:

  • Will they have a tier set?
  • Will they have legendaries?
  • Will they have covenants?

Curious to see how blizzard works around this. I suspect if it doesn’t get all of these it’s just going to be worthless to play in prepatch as I doubt it will compete with any of the specs utilizing these massive sources of power. Will be interesting to see how it plays out lol.

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These questions need to be asked and answered on a larger scope first.

Will any of us have tier sets? Legendary powers? Covenants?

If Convoke is going baseline for Druid, surely that implies Convoke wont be the Night Fae ability. Which to me is telling that all Covenant abilities will be deactivated come 10.0

As for Legendary powers and tier sets, traditionally they get weaker as you level up, but honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if they just turn them off too.


I’m thinking the only thing they don’t nuke is tier sets. I can see covenants going byebye with the new talent trees including stuff like you mentioned convoke. Legendaries I’d imagine will share that same respect in that I can see some of them being talents.

You do? Because I don’t think anyone else does.

Edit: in all the hype, I missed an interview somewhere about prepatch, so I’m wrong.

Then apparently you didn’t pay attention to the announcement.

Which announcement?

The expansion announcement?

Where in the expansion announcement did they say that Dracthyr were going to be in the prepatch?

" 10.0 Pre-Patch Event

  • The Pre-Patch event is planned to last for 2 weeks, and will introduce players to Dragonflight. A level 60 revamp of the classic dungeon Uldaman is planned for the event.

  • Dracthyr Evokers will be available to players during the pre-patch event."


Blizzard has confirmed that going forward, if two different sources give you the same ability, the “stronger” version of the ability will be the version you get.

That doesn’t mean that they won’t take away our Soulbinds in 10.0 but that’s definitely a thing they mentioned which to me suggests that we may get to keep our Covenant abilities specifically in the Shadowlands and only lose them for newer stuff, sort of like the way the BFA neck works.

Somehow I missed a prepatch event announcement. :woman_shrugging:t4:

Per previous interviews -

They are a hero class. They will start in the level 50ish range in their own zone. When they leave the zone they will be level 60 and ready for Dragonlands. Blizzard doesn’t plan on going back and retrofitting older content for them.

I thought their zone was on the new continent. This doesn’t make sense to me. Lol

As far as I can remember, no new class ever had a tier set in the prepatch, it’s always been in the expansion they were introduced itself. Don’t see why it would be different anyway.

And regardless, greens in DF will eventually overwrite them, on top of the effect being nulled once you get to level 61. Feels like it would be a huge waste to grind flux and gear or the raid itself for the minor and short lived buff.

Covenant abilities probably won’t even work in 10.0 and they’ll probably turn off legendary effects.

Demon hunter got a very basic one in HFC

I doubt they’ll have any of those. Might be annoying in the short term but in the long run won’t really matter since by that point current content will have both feet in the grave anyway.

I’m guessing in the pre-patch we’ll all hold hands at the sword of Sargeras and use the covenant abilities to etcetera etcetera so we’ll all be at the same power.

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Regardless, it will be interesting to see how it plays out. I know historically they have had tier sets enabled throughout leveling, it was like that going into Legion. Obviously BFA had no tier so there was nothing to turn off for SL tier wise.

sure it does see they wake up and get all leveled up and ready to go and then the horde and alliance crash on the islands after we go back to fighting after we realized the power of working together in SL again. Then they will take you back to org or SW and for two weeks we will hang around together until time to go back to the islands to fight over some resources or something until we find out we need friendship again.