Solo Players -- How Do You Feel?

I’m just curious, do you feel left out of end game content (raids, m+, pvp, etc.)?

Also, what do you do with your time when you’re playing?


How can one feel left out of content when they actively choose not to do it?>


Not really. End game really holds little interest for me at this point.

I generally level alts, farm transmogs, mounts, pets, pet battle or loremaster hunter.

I very rarely find myself bored.


I don’t really feel left out.

I wish premades normal raids where easier to get into. And lfr could be a selected difficulty without the queue for premades incase a casual wanted to do an lfr community. And we could do lfr 10s.

Ill run some LFD or story quests or go do old raids. Maybe m0 or an LFR if I feel up to the dedicated block of focused time.


You can que for LFR as a raid.


Yeah. Don’t u still need 20 ppl or allow randoms to pug in?

My guild did it earlier this tier with 16 or 18 of our raid team to help our shaman get a chance at tier. The randoms that pugged with us probably got the fastest LFR run ever


No because I made the decision to not want to be involved and to not want to deal with the toxicity in group content unless if I can find a decent guild one day. If I’m in the mood for group content as a solo player, I’ll go to FF14 instead.


Just did upper body today so I feel pretty good. Shoulder is crabbing at me but otherwise great.

Oh right.

I don’t really care. I think the SL PVP system was the worst I’ve seen, but DF is going in the right direction, as are the talent trees.

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I was in a guild that did that it was pretty sweet. We only had like two tanks, 4 heals, and some dps doing it tho.

Been a few years since I could regularly play and look to start doing that again.

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No… If I really cared about any of this, I can watch it on Twitch or Youtube. 95% of the fun in group content is the people. If you don’t have people, it is just repetitive blah…

Collections through old content. Level and play different characters. Maybe work on achievements. Best part is if I get bored in game, I can just log off. Sometimes for months.


Here is the log from the Skolex kill. We had 16 guildies lol

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Im not left out of mythics. I choose to not run them.

I can.

I dont. If that’s an issue I reckon that’s on me.

If I want to play a solo game I suppose id not choose an mmo?


I dont feel left out at all. My real life schedule doesnt allow me to be online at regular intervals to hardcore raid anymore. I dont have the skill to be a high end pvper. So i choose not to partake in those end game scenarios. I spend my time in game doing lfr on characters i enjoy pve’ing with, and doing bg’s on characters i enjoy pvping with. I get to play lots of alts because none of them have to be perfectly geared to the brim. I can spec my characters how i like without being bound by whats meta or the “best”. Its really quite refreshing when compared to the rigidness of high end competitive play.


After co-leading a successful raiding guild through Wrath (a guild I, and a rag tag group of friends who met through random pre-wow forums, started pre-release) I gave up organised group content and have been solo ever since.

I have done LFR raids, ive done “end content” as far as the story goes. Thats ‘my’ end content. I log in every day and do…well, whatever. WQs, AH stuff, farm mounts…theres a lot to do.

I understand that “end game content” for a lot of people is constant raiding, or pushing M+. Gotta get your 8 in! (Or whatever number). More power to em, but thats not me anymore.

Maybe I’m just simple these days (my wife will agree), but Im ok logging in and just having fun with Ahz, whos been my main for a long long time.

Pew Pew :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:


The issue is more complex than that - a lot of the time, people drop back into solo play for life/personal reasons but still would like to have content in-game that works for them.

There was a good thread recently about WoW going to war with a lot of solo styles of play that really hammers home how post-Legion the game has really shifted strongly against rewarding/engaging the solo player.


Do I feel left out? Not at all.

I am so happy to not be doing the three pillars anymore. I did for years. Burned out to the max.

I’m an only child and was alone for years while I homeschooled. I love to chit chat a lot somedays and then I want to be alone often when I can.

Enjoying doing older content for loremaster, the daily emissary for current xpac, and chit chatting with bnet friends. Love wrath time walking so I’ll do a bunch of that this week.


I don’t feel left out in the sense that I want to do that content and can’t. Thing is, I stopped doing group content because my free time was unpredictable, and now that I’m retired, I simply don’t want to do it.

I do feel left out in the sense that we solo players have received very little for our money in the last few expansions.

Right now, I’m achievement farming, but that kind of thing is only fun for a limited amount of time.


No it isn’t. Solo players and casual players are different. Sure I can see a lot of people swapping to a more casual playstyle because of real life and such. But no there is a difference between solo players and casuals.

WoW isn’t going to war with solo players in fact shadowlands has been the most solo friendly expansion to date.


I am out of hearts or would have given some.