Tanking Annoyances

Please list some things that annoy, or things that make you go hmmm when you’re tanking. Please don’t make this a venting session, however, just list the things that seem to be common sense not to do while in a group that makes things harder for the tank to perform their role.

One thing that’s really annoying is when mobs are spread evenly around the room, the tank gathers them up and DPS is attacking them, when a druid, or shaman uses their pushback spell that pushes them all away from the tank. This makes me groan internally as to why would they even do that.

Another is when there’s a group that easily skipped, and the tank announces to stay close to the wall, there’s on player that walks down the middle, and aggro’s the easily skippable group. Of course, the alternative to this is an overly anxious DPS runs, charges, leaps to the easily skippable group, and when asked why, they state to make things go faster. I usually replay, it’s faster to just skip them, isn’t it?

The last one is when each member of the group dies on a boss, usually due to oh crap issues, and the tank is left on the boss alone, and the boss has like 20% of its health left. Usually after 2 minutes, an overly anxious DPS demands to just wipe, even when the tank isn’t dying. When the tank kills it, the rest of the party usually will appear where the tank is. One time I was kicked for not wiping, and was like oh well, and queued up for another instance.

So, what’s your some of your annoyances while tanking in random groups ?


This is not related to the individuals I am grouping with, or necessarily exclusive to the role of tanking. My biggest annoyance is mobs that jump behind me. I don’t want that. Stop that. Nobody benefits.


Any mobs that jump away and spread after you’ve gathered them up, and then plant themselves.

The javelin throwing guys in Spires for example. You’re not even tanking them at that point.


Me and my buddy call this the “Idiot out” move.
Is our druid or shammy an idiot?
Oh look, there it is, mobs flung all over the place away from the melee dps and the tank and making the fight take longer!
Yep, he’s an idiot.



This wasn’t a thing when the game released, Blizzard patched that in, when we complained about it on the old forums, we were told it must have been a bug and was unintended.
17 years later…

A bug my butt.

  • DPS who pull entire rooms, run ahead, and even sometimes get bold enough to pull a boss.

  • DPS pulling everything before you do and then you get blamed for not holding threat or not pulling properly (some of your spells might be on CD)

  • DPS or healers who think they’re the tank / who actually tank

  • DPS or healers who tell me to step down from tanking because they “wanna be the tank” or because they’re “bored” (they’re not queued up or geared up as tanks)

  • DPS or healers who don’t know certain mechanics for cerain fights (like bosses who drop aggro and target a random player) and blame it on the tank

When I’m the healer, my gripes are:

  • DPS or tanks running far ahead and pulling everything in sight and LoSing me, telling me I’m not going fast enough or doing a good enough job even though my sprints have cooldowns

As a DPS:

  • Impatient or rude players (that applies to all roles though), especially when a player in the group is recently returning to WoW and just started playing their particular spec and abilities and are just re-learning / learning the ropes.

The biggest “bruh” moment for me is when melee healers get squashed by Ur slam or similar. Especially if it’s like token effort.

These mobs can be fine in small numbers. They’re just annoying with Necrotic though. Especially if they don’t jump behind you and instead like the trash near the end of Gambit actually shadow-step to you, meaning they can get an auto-attack before vortex or spear pull them back. That stuff is awful with Necrotic and makes big chain pulls on that trash not work well.

Mobs that step behind you every time you try to reposition. Mobs that jump away and start throwing stuff–unless I’m on my dk, in which case, it’s super satisfying yanking those turds back into the dogpile.

Dps pulling adds. If the healer does it, that’s usually my cue to pull bigger/faster. Dps, however…just no. Let the grownups call the shots.


Things that hard cast and cant move at the worst time

Ex: Shard of halkias thrash when a sang puddle drops


Or when a frost mage roots everything when im grouping up crap :unamused:


Or Bron… he’s sabotaged his fair number of pulls. I miss being able to run sigil of chains on my VDH.

^^^ This so much this. Particularly when they hurt badly when not tanked actively because they disengaged halfway across the room.

Blizz: “We’re just going to make this mob that hurts constantly jump where your mitigation doesn’t work at all because you can’t parry/dodge from behind” evil cackling commences

Sanguine can die and burn for this exact reason. Particularly with mobs like the shards that can’t be booped out of bad.

When I’m trying to group up mobs, specially when I’m trying to grab multiple packs or line of sight the casters around a corner, and the DPS pop all their cooldowns and unload on them. Just let me get them in position and get some threat first before you go nuts.


-DPS players who will not heal themselves or use defensives, or even cleanses when they have it is number 1 for me an its not even close

The number of mages I see take a nap in DoS because they don’t decurse or do jumping jacks is just mind boggling.

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:saxophone: :notes: :notes:

Mage: “Bruh you’re a Druid you can decurse me”

Me: doing 60k DPS burst with incarn and frenzy

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I refuse to decurse people who can do it themselves but aren’t decursing anyone.

I’ll decurse them twice, then they’re on their own.

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But you cant hit spacebar though?!

I think ppl dont understand its less key strokes to take the debuff off

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Of course, it’s the only way to interrupt some very deadly casts, but I do understand that the kind of people who come to the forums to call people idiots will have zero idea that interrupts can be kind of important.

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The specific instance was with the druid, or shaman pushback spell, just saying.

Trying to grab mobs like the slimes before globrog and someone pops off with cds on the first few i pulled makes my soul hurt