Warcraft books help you understand the lore

I know much lore as been…tampered with, but the books helped as a noob. Started 7 years into the game playing in MoP so the books helped me understand the WoW universe. Lord of the Clans, Rise of the Horde, and War of the Ancients. Took awhile for the Chronicles to make sense. (I think there’s 24 books I read in relative order)

Most of them are really good and add depth.

Also, there are those that read all the short stories and comics I never did. I wonder if any are worth a gander?


If it’s not in-game, it doesn’t exist.


That’s not true.


Oh it’s true.


The short stories do fill in a lot. I’ve read most of the books, but stopped after Illidan. That’s about the point where they burned the tree, trashed Lordaeron, turned Sylvanas into complete stupidity and I stopped caring.

Edit: I take that back. I did read something in BfA. A poorly written something that somehow managed to ruin a love story.


That’s kinda how I feel about end game content. If it’s just a dungeon or raid once is enough - on YouTube! :wink:


If it did, then maybe we can encourage the writers to read the books. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes. Not only do I like to read them as light entertainment, but it also adds tidbits of lore information for me.

Also, the comics and short stories are nice too. I generally don’t like comics, but the wow ones are not too bad. The one about worgen/Genn also adds a lot of insight into their lore. The short stories I find hit and miss - but worth a glance and you can easily find them all on the website for free :slight_smile:


Did you play from inception? For me, I felt plopped down in the middle of a book or movie with no understanding of characters, story arcs, or why I should care. The books helped. From the Sunwell to Taretha Foxton.


Not only do they help understand Lore, but they honestly add to your in game experience, IMO. An example, without spoiling anything: There is an event that occurs in Arathi Highlands in the novel “Before the Storm” that is essentially the high point of drama in the book, and is directly referenced in-game in the Arathi Warfront with an in game monument.

You wouldn’t know about it otherwise, and it isn’t crucial to understanding the overall story, but damn is it cool and immersive to see it there when you’ve read the book.


Wut? I’m not sure what you are talking about. Whatever is in-game is it.

No. That is all. :slight_smile:

I agree, that is all.

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:laughing: lol - 1rst human friend of Go’el/Thrall that basically frames part of who he is.

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i hope Microsoft cans Activizard’s writers when they take over. :sweat_smile:


Not really. In some instances, it can make it more confusing because they may change lore in order to foster gameplay.

The gameplay writers? :+1:

The books? Hell no. Richard, Christie, Michael! They’re so committed to the warcraft universe.


The game did that, not the books.

They aren’t separate entities. Those in charge of writing the game, dictate what goes into the books. And when the entire game’s storyline goes into a dumpster fire direction for me, I have no interest in buying books I don’t want to read.

Yes, they are pretty good.

I agree about liking books and other media added to the universe. I always prefer to play the game, but what am I to do when I am on a plane?

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