In the wake of ongoing world events

Don’t forget to show the people you care about that you do care for them.

Enjoy your hobbies and things. Take care of yourself. Be kind to each other. Drink some water. Take a breather when you need it. Stop sitting like a shrimp. You know who you are.

Or don’t. I mean, no one can tell you what to do. But I hope you’re okay. Or that you will be okay. Our little slice of Azeroth hopefully brings nice things for everyone. Not everything’s good or bad. But it’s still a second home for a lot of people. We’re not just pixels in a game. There are real people behind [most of] the characters you see run by you.

That’s it.


How dare you tell me, then not tell me, what to do!

I agree. Live people. Now.


nature takes its course ?


Scar! Brother! Help me!

Just not too much lol

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :ocean: :ocean: :dragon:


Beautifully said.

I haven’t been okay for years but I think I’m finally coming out of it. I pushed away a lot of ppl. It is what it is.

We all need to take better care of ourselves and be a little kinder.


Never seen this.


Cleaning the jungle right now with my bro (within his means of course).So I’m away from the game for a bit of our time. Do something meaningful with your family is important and see the world in her seasons!

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Oh god, what has happened now?

Don’t Google Texas

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Trying very hard to avoid stress right now. I’m a teacher and came to work the day after the shooting. The morning after the news hit, I had a child (for the first time in my career) scream in my face, call me profanities, and told me he was going to kill people. He stormed off campus and had the police called on him. I was shaken and had to immediately run the honor roll assembly right afterwards.

I asked if I could take a mental health day and was told, “No, you’re strong. You’ve got this,” in response. And that’s what teachers are often told.

Sorry for the vent. Just having a hard time with work and really waiting for a restful summer.


Thank you for doing what you do. Your job is often underappreciated despite how much you guys do.


Bill 96 drama :ok_hand:

I’ve been following a lot of these types of threads on social media :confused: it can’t be easy.
Teachers starting their careers at age 22-23, being told they should wield guns. Others actively defending students who legitimately care for them. The kids under extreme pressure to finish assignments in time who are panicking that this event might cause them to fail their grades. Others lashing out at those trying to lead them.

It’s a disaster. It’s one of the many reasons why I dropped my education courses and changed my mind about teaching.
I hope the best for everyone in this position. Hell, even when I was in school, a 5th grader pulled a gun, knives, and lasers out in class and we never heard from him again.

Teachers deserve better.


I do.

Mead has water in it.

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Unfortunately things like that are just going to be more and more common. Children are literally born with phones nowadays so they all have easy access to stuff like this, they can literally look up the camera footage from this and other shootings. It’s already traumatic for an adult to watch stuff like that so imagine a child growing up watching these sorts of videos. Parents should be more careful with what their child is watching cause it can definately lead to these sort of events in the future.

Discretely adjusts posture

What’s this now?