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Motionlink is a Notion to static website publishing tool that enables you to replace the markdown and other data files in your codebase with Notion pages that your whole team can edit directly from Notion.

What is MotionLink

Many Notion-as-a-CMS tools make it possible for teams to turn their Notion pages to websites. This works fine for some cases, but does not give the team complete control over how their website should look, where and how it should be hosted, which tech stack should be used, etc. Motionlink is built to address this with a robust, yet simple, solution... Github workflows.

Motionlink watches a Notion database. When the database is modified, Motionlink will trigger a Github Workflow, in your linked repository, to fetch the new database state, rebuild, and redeploy your website. How you build and deploy your website, is completely up to you as the developer.

A tool that is easy to use

Simply link a Notion database to a Github repository, write your config and workflow files, and voila!

Build for high traffic

Use any static site generator and serve your website with any hosting service.

Powered by Notion

Publish directly from Notion.

View created links in Console

Pricing and setup

Motionlink logo preview


Free for both open source and private projects.

  • All of Motionlink

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Motionlink is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.