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Lego Marvel Super Heroes demo coming next week

A demo for Lego Marvel Super Heroes is coming to PC, PlayStation Network and Xbox Live next week, Marvel officials announced during their New York Comic Con panel today.

The PC demo will be available on the Lego website. All three demos hit Oct. 15.

The panel showed off the TV trailer for the game, which is due out on Oct. 22 for Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, PS3, PlayStation Vita, Wii U and Xbox 360, and in November for PS4 and Xbox One. They also showed off some in-game footage to illustrate the sheer size of the game's fully explorable Manhattan.

The game will feature a seemingly endless roster of super heroes and villains. Some of the ones shown quickly today included Electro, Shocker, Pyro, Nightmare, Absorbing Man, Taskmaster, Power Man, Iron Fist, Havok, Polaris, Moon Knight, She-Hulk and even a playable, purse-packing Aunt May.

During the panel, TT Games announced that the Asgard Character Pack will include Malekith, Kurse, Sif, Volstagg, Odin, Hogun, Fandral and Jane Foster, and that anyone who pre-orders the game will receive Thanos, A-Bomb, Beta Ray Bill, Falcon, Dark Phoenix, Winter Soldier and a number of vehicles.


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