A glossary of botanical terms

(and of terms somewhat related to botany)
(Last update: November 4 2008)


This glossary is searched by clicking in the alphabet below the first letter of the word or expression you're looking for; this displays all the entries that start with the clicked letter; then moving the cursor (or using the Find window of the browser) will get you to a particular entry and its definition.

If you have a smart browser, a la mozilla or firefox, you can use their quick find, (a la vi, i.e. a '/' followed by a sequence of characters, with the cursor following the sequence in the text and stopping at the first non matching character). And if you do'nt have a smart browser you should change the one you use for a smarter one !


                      A B C D E F G H I J K L M
                      N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


I have never read a single book that was error free, I have never consulted any dictionary that was error free, although I checked and checked again the entries, this glossary does contain (many) errors. If you signal them I will correct them (without adding new ones !) and any comment will be appreciated.

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