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The Christian Catacombs of Rome

The Catacomb of Priscilla

Pontifical Institute of Christian Archaeology

Catholic Encyclopedia article on the Roman catacombs.

Death and the Romans: Online component of course taught by Prof. David Noy at the University of Wales, Lampeter. Includes a section on the catacombs.

The Jewish Catacombs of Rome: a study of the differences between the Monteverde and Vigna Randanini catacombs. An unpublished research paper by David Noy, University of Wales, Lampeter.

Subterranean Rome

Web-enhanced edition of Pagan and Christian Rome by Rodolfo Lanciani

Swedish Research in San Lorenzo in Lucina (Rome)
The Transformations of a Late Antique Roman Quarter

Inscriptions of the Land of Israel: Beth She'arim - Includes maps of the Beth She'arim catacombs as well as photographs and inscriptions.

SIDIC - Service International de Documentation Judéo-Chrétienne - was founded as a result of the Second Vatican Council to promote understanding and respect between Jews and Christians; to make known the heritage which Christianity and Western culture have received from the Jewish people; and to encourage the study of Jewish tradition and emphasize its importance for Christianity and for all humanity.

WebMuseum: The Catacombs of Paris

Scala Reale is a not-for-profit cultural association aimed at bringing together the traveler and the city in a manner beneficial to both through high-quality, enjoyable itineraries led by English-speaking experts in art-history, architecture, archaeology and history.

Le Nostre Radici: Gruppo per la conoscenza e l’approfondimento delle radici ebraiche del cristianesimo
Via F. Grossi Gondi, 49
Tel +39/06/86323511

Associazione Amicizia Ebraica-Cristiana di Roma
Facolta’ Teologica Valdese
Via Pietro Cossa, 40 Rome
Tel +39/06/3215128
Program for 2001 includes courses in the Bible and Jewish Culture in Italy and Europe.

Directory for the Italian Cultural Ministry (Ministero per I beni e le attivita’ culturali)

Suburbium: dalla crisi del sistema delle ville a Gregorio Magno (III – VII century)
The site is produced by the Ecole Francaise de Rome, but written in Italian. It promotes the first of a series of colloquia on the Roman suburbs in antiquity and the Middle Ages which was held at the Ecole Francaise de Rome in March of 2000. Co-sponsors are the Soprintendenza Archeologica di Roma, the Soprintendenza Comunale ai Beni Culturali and the Pontificia Commissione di Archeologica Sacra. Included is a useful topographical directory and map for archaeological sites in Rome outside of the historical center.

Summary of 1997 pilot project on Jews at Roma and Ostia by Prof. Per A Bengtsson, Department of Theology, Lund University (Sweden).

A guide to the Churches of Rome – by Chris Nyborg (also in Norwegian)

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