Spotify art

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a painting of cows grazing in front of a house
Cows - Binsey, Oxfordshire
a painting of a jar of honey next to an open book on a table with pumpkins
Fall scene
Van Gogh Starry Night Painting✨
Difficulty: Difficult Supplies Used: • Watercolour Sketchbook • Paints • Brushes
a piece of paper with an image of two hands touching each other on top of it
Songs that make you feel alive ☺️♥️🎶
Sunset Cityscape | Gouache Painting Tutorial
Difficulty: Easy Gouache colours/Poster colours, watercolour papers
a watermelon card sitting next to an earbud and a candle on a table
someone is holding up a book that has an mp3 player in the middle of it
mansi jikadara b | writer and visual artist 🖋️🎨
thetypewriterdaily | poetry and art
a person holding up a card with some paint brushes in front of a window sill
water colour Nightsky polaroid painting
someone is holding up a card with the words night changes are direction