Black and white pictures

Explore a collection of stunning black and white pictures that evoke a sense of elegance and nostalgia. Discover how these classic images can add a touch of sophistication to your home decor.
#fanfiction Iphone, Fotografia, Black Wallpaper Iphone, Black Phone Wallpaper, Fotografie, Asthetic, Dark Wallpaper Iphone, Black Picture, Ikon

Story by cutegir2002 ______ A story of Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook. One is an Online model and a fashion icon of Instagram with millions of followers. While one is a Heartthrob and a Hot dude who rules Millions of girls'hearts. ___ The story starts when Kim Taehyung is bored cause his friends have gone to their relatives for a few days. Being tired and hella bored he decides to slide in any hot guys dms and have some fun. Not knowing where he is putting himself in, he messaged the hot…
