Then and now pictures

Take a journey through time with captivating then and now pictures. Explore how places and people have changed over the years and witness the fascinating transformations firsthand.
My Cousin Offered Me A Memory For Christmas. She Bought All The Accessories To Recreate This Moment, From 2002 To 2017

Probably one of the most heartwarming trends, that has been on the Internet for a while now is Family photo recreations. After all, one of the main reasons for doing family photography is having the ability to recreate it in the future. Family photo shoots are a perfect way to highlight the strength of your bond. The whole idea of this trend is to replicate a family portrait, usually taken a long time ago, with all of the members participating again. And looking at two before and after…

Alejandra Villalobos
Lombard Street under construction in 1922. The design was created by a local property owner Carl Henry. It was built as a necessity due to the steepness of the hill, the design brought the grade down from 26% to 17%. When finished it was a two way street, but in 1939 was changed to one-way down street. San Francisco amazing!!! Los Angeles, Lombard Street, Bay Area, Two Way Street, California History, Lombard, City, San Francisco California, Arquitetura

Lombard Street under construction in 1922. The design was created by a local property owner Carl Henry. It was built as a necessity due to the steepness of the hill, the design brought the grade down from 26% to 17%. When finished it was a two way street, but in 1939 was changed to one-way down street. San Francisco amazing!!!

Karina E McHugh
40+ Before And After Photos Of How The World Has Changed Over Time | Page 2 of 5 | DoYouRemember? Istanbul, History, Tours, Wwii, Poland, Favorite Places, Paris City, Famous Monuments, History Photos

We are a group of people who love re-photographies (“before and after”, “then and now”) because of their potential to tell fascinating stories with just two pictures. There wasn’t really a central hub for this kind of art so we got to work and built It’s a website that enables people to browse hundreds

People Are Sharing 'Then And Now' Pics On This Page To Show How Time Changes Things (40 New Pics) | Bored Panda Monuments, Empire State Building, Machu Picchu, History, Kathmandu, World Heritage Sites, World Heritage List, Unesco World Heritage List, Fast Times

The subreddit r/OldPhotosInRealLife is pretty much the closest thing we have to a time machine. Its 596k members are constantly comparing past and present through rephotography — the act of taking a photo of a place that has already been photographed before. The end result is like a portal, fusing together two different periods.

Tanguy Rochereau
Notre-Dame, Paris, France, 1944 - 2017 Paris, Istanbul, World, History, Wwii, World War Two, World War One, Military History, Landmarks

We are a group of people who love re-photographies (“before and after”, “then and now”) because of their potential to tell fascinating stories with just two pictures. There wasn’t really a central hub for this kind of art so we got to work and built It’s a website that enables people to browse hundreds of pictures or upload and align their own.
