1% Catering

That proves they are bad at balancing. Not sure where the 1% is coming into play.

No one is arguing they can balance worth a damn, you are just looking for some reason that does not exist.


He also made up some magical 50% number out of thin air.


When your DPS is doing 20k, Hunters are doing 27k and Warlocks doing 30k. Theres plenty of logs to look at.

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Outside of MDI how often are you seeing tanks pull big enough for 30k dps overall?


damn. there are 19k other arcane mages doing 20+ i thought i was the only weirdo who liked that spec.


…sh…should we tell him?

There was a guy last season that posted on GD his experience pugging up to then as an arcane mage. Was pretty cool :slight_smile:

It’s typical of this forum. If I had a nickel for every average (or below average as well) player that looked at what the best of the best players are doing and somehow thought it was relevant to anyone outside that tier of play… I could spend the 110,000 on DI. :wink:


Projection is strong with you.

I’m not the one concerned with what players better than me are doing, cupcake.

Asmongold said it best imo:


Post on your main. Lol, quoting a streamer as your source of information. Keep ignoring how I have disproven your 50% dps theory.

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Why is it so hard for people to just vote with their wallet?

I already unsubbed already, until season 4 starts.

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if it makes you feel better I am a weirdo frost mage running glacial spike!

(basically doing same build of GIANT Nuke spell, very fun stealing aggro from tanks)

but I don’t really do mythic + on this mage this season.

This is kinda unreasonable. You can’t “out skill” a destro/surv doing 35k dps sustained when you’re playing a ret pal/aff/etc…


Outside of MDI how often are you seeing tanks pull big enough for 30k dps overall?


Not to be that guy, but honestly man, you can get 3K io on like any spec. What you are talking about only comes into play when you’re pushing 3500+ like an uber sweater. These things only have affect on the people at the peak of the peak of optimization/progression


You missed the point. The point is that even if a ret pal plays perfectly and the destro is average, the destro will probably still do more dps.

There’s a reason people take meta specs over off meta ones. It’s just easier to compete and easier to complete.

Not to mention Blizzard did not balance it around them. Players found the strongest options and rerolled to push on that class/spec. It’s the other way around from the OP’s theory.