What Sets BMW Apart From Other Cars?

Practically the gold standard when it comes to luxury automobiles, BMW has made a name for itself when it comes to high-end, sporty vehicles of all types. Not only are BMWs synonymous with style, but they're also well-built machines that stand the test of time.

How Did BMW Get Its Start?

The company was formed in 1917 by an airplane builder and an airplane manufacturer. The early 1930s saw production of some of the company's signature vehicle traits: twin grilles and an inline six-cylinder engine. During WWII, the crumbling company stayed afloat by building motorcycles, and by the 1950s, BMW was catching up to other companies by making the iconic BMW sedan.

What Are Some Interesting Facts About BMW?

No doubt you've seen BMWs of all types not only heading down the streets, but in movies and TV shows as well. The climb of the legendary brand to the top has made headlines, and all these years later, driving a BMW is still considered a weighty status symbol.

  • BMW has a long racing history, with the company creating cars for Formula 1 and the Isle of Man TT, among others.
  • After World War I, the company was forced to produce items such as farming equipment and railway parts in order to stay in business as per the Versailles Armistice Treaty, which prevented it from creating airplanes.
  • In the early 1980s, the company introduced its first vehicle with a diesel engine, which was the M21 model.
  • In 1995, BMW convertibles rolled off the assembly line for the first time. These cars became the first models to be exclusively produced outside Germany.
  • The BMW was featured in the James Bond movie "GoldenEye" in the 1990s.

What Are Some Well-Known BMW Models?

When it comes to choosing a BMW, there are endless opportunities to choose the car of your dreams. BMW now offers a variety of body styles, which includes the coupe, sedan, roadster, convertible, and SUV, and its models range from the sleek and simple 3, 4, and 5 series to the feature-packed X4 and X5 series. Additionally, the M series has its own line of sophisticated sedans, coupes, and convertibles in a more premium line, with many colors to choose from and a multitude of features that add style and convenience.

What Features Does BMW Offer?

Though the exterior of a BMW vehicle is certainly impressive, that's nothing compared to the features that the brand offers its drivers. From a high-performance engine to a luxurious interior, BMW has left no detail to chance. Most modern models come equipped with built-in Wi-Fi capabilities, as well as seats custom-made with soft, genuine leather. In addition, customizable shock absorption and BMW roadside assistance add to the experience. Carbon fiber styling makes for a durable vehicle, and the legendary windshield design only adds to the car's power and dynamics.