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Aryans battle 'Cultural Marxism'

By Lester Haines

Posted in Bootnotes, 23rd July 2007 09:13 GMT

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Those among you who feel that Conservapedia [1] - the "conservative encyclopedia you can trust" dedicated to countering liberal bias - is not sufficiently tough on Marxist-Leninist dogma are directed forthwith to Metapedia [2], the "alternative encyclopedia dedicated to the pro-European cultural struggle".

Metapedia sets out its stall [3] thus:

Being able to present one's own definitions of concepts as well as interpretations of various phenomena and historical events is a vital part of every metapolitical and cultural struggle. This is more important than ever in these modern times, where many concepts have been distorted and lost their original meaning – which can be regarded as a result of our political opponents' successful cultural struggle.

The possibility to influence the language is vital if you want to shape people's world view. The Frankfurt School and their ideological heirs are good examples in this regard, and have been very successful in stigmatizing previously natural and sound values and attitudes and making them seem pathological by inventing and popularizing concepts such as "xenophobia" and the like. This clearly illustrates the power of language and words, and it is therefore important that we start re-conquering our languages.

Another important purpose of Metapedia is to become a web resource for pro-European activists. Metapedia makes it easy for our cadres to expand their knowledge on various important subjects, and also functions as a searchable reference.

Furthermore Metapedia gives us the opportunity to present a more balanced and fair image of the pro-European struggle for the general public as well as for academics, who until now have been dependant on strongly biased and hostile "researchers" like Searchlight, Anti-Defamation League, Southern Poverty Law Center, Simon Wiesenthal Centre, and such.

Metapedia wastes no time in clarifying how Cultural Marxists [4] have indeed succeeded in "stigmatising previously natural and sound values and attitudes". Here's its take on anti-racism [5]:

"Anti-racism is the Marxist ideology of opposition to 'racism'. According to the Oxford English Dictionary the term 'racist' was coined by Leon Davidovich Bronstein (Leon Trotsky). Anti-racism is a major focus of Cultural Marxism."

Shorter, but no sweeter, is the encyclopedia's stub on multiculturalism [6]: "Multiculturalism is a Marxist social theory."

Gotcha. For further "balanced" and "fair" coverage, check out Adolf Hitler [7]:

"Adolf Hitler (20 April 1889 – 30 April 1945) German Nationalist, painter, writer, and activist. He was elected to the German Chancellorship (Reichskanzler) in 1933, and ascended the next year (1934) to Führer of Germany which he held until his death. He was the central figure behind the actions and policies of the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei)."

Can't help feeling there's something important missing there, but then Metapedia's entries for the Klu Klux Klan [8], Benito Mussolini [9], and Rudolf Hess [10] are hardly more enlightening.

In fact, a good percentage of Metapedia's content [11] seems to be dedicated to Woden [12], the White Order of Thule [13], runes [14], and other subject matter which would undoubtedly have found favour with Aryan hocus-pocus aficionado Heinrich Himmler.

Himmler doesn't yet merit a mention on Metapedia, but it might like to take a lead from Wikipedia [15], which classifies his theology as "Ariosophy, his own religious dogma of racial superiority of the Aryan race and Germanic Meso-Paganism, partly from his interests in folklore and mythology of the ancient Teutonic tribes of Northern Europe".

Uncomfortably, Wiki also identifies Himmler as "founder and officer-in-charge of the Nazi concentration camps and the Einsatzgruppen death squads [who] held final command responsibility for annihilating 'subhumans' who were deemed unworthy to live".

We'll leave it readers to decide if this description is a fair appraisal of the man, or whether the cultural Marxists have been making merry at his expense. ®