Catia Users

Created by Ananth Narayan on 8 March, 2018

Class-A surfaces / Aesthetic surfaces

Interior and exterior plastic trims Class-A surfaces are very useful to create closed body and fixations with environmental parts so I'm looking for aesthetic surfaces.

It would be very helpful if you guys guide/help me with any models, websites and/or any links. Also I'm looking forward to collaborate with design enthusiastic people.

Thank you in advance.

3 Answer

Please help me to find Class-A surface..

Look around you. Most consumer products have class-A surfaces, especially plastic parts. Pick an object, take some measurements, model it. Try to come up with your own design - better than what you measured.

Can't find anything? How about your mouse, or keyboard, printer, etc. Soap bottle, toothbrush, faucet, office chair. Look at your car: hubcap, fender, bumper, steering wheel, dashboard.

Do NOT use simple fillet. There are no radii to be seen on aesthetic parts. They are all curvature continuous.