ChatGPT has access to Algorand data now: Algorand’s first ChatGPT plugin is live!

4 min readOct 10, 2023

AlgorandExplorer is the first chatGPT plugin for the Algorand blockchain, providing a conversational explorer and assistant for the Algorand blockchain, batteries included!

Other than the fact that having some intelligent assistant to ask from bu conversation is much cooler than having to search through tough-technical-looking indexers, there are other pain points and problems with first-generation Algorand indexers ( aside from those being brilliant technical products E.g. AlgoExplorer and Dappflow) addressed by AlgorandExplorer ChatGPT plugin, including:

1- Algorand first-generation indexers currently do not provide human-readable textual data for encoded items and that is as in:

  • Global states and deltas
  • Local states and deltas
  • Transaction arguments
  • Notes
  • Logs
  • Box keys and values

2- Algorand first-generation indexers need you to look for each item separately (Account, Asset, App, TXN,..) and could not query the resulting data to answer higher-level questions! They mostly need further querying and data wrangling by developers to be achieved!

3- Algorand first-generation indexers cannot reason with data and just retrieve and present it, mostly raw!

4- Data is usually delivered in a technical user-level experience and less prepared for the average user audience with less technical orientation! Also, the choice of language for both UI and Data being presented is usually limited!

Enters AlgorandExplorer, the new development from the @GoPlausible team!

AlgorandExplorer is a plugin for OpenAI’s ChatGPT platform to connect it to Algorand Blockchain’s MAINNET data! This plugin provides conversational search, exploration, and data reasoning with Algorand data!

What does the AlgorandExplorer ChatGPT plugin do to solve the mentioned problems:

  • Provides semantic conversational search interface to Algorand blockchain with human-readable enriched data (logs, extra related TXNs,…)! An intelligent Algorand assistant one might assume when using the AlgorandExplorer plugin! So everybody who can talk or type can use Algorand data and ask common questions about it like “Who minted 515722412” and AlgorandExplorer returns the account address!

All data is human-readable and not encoded so both AI agents and human users can make better use of it! Also, data is translatable to all available languages on demand! So no more language barrier!

Reasoning with and searching Algorand data in simple human conversations:

  • Algorand standard types are all used by the model to make a better understanding and therefore reasoning!
  • Data is enriched and pre-processed by adding application logs to the application, related transactions to account, and similar to create an optimum AIX (AI Experience) for end users who use the ChatGPT plugin!

The work for AlgorandExplorer has just started and GoPlausible will continuously bring updates and new features as well as maintain the service!

The next generation of Algorand explorers has arrived Algorand ecosystem! The combination of AlgorandExplorer with other plugins on ChatGPT as well opens new horizons for many new use cases for Algorand Data! E.g. to create diagrams, analytics, reports, and many more using Algorand data available by your very own Algorand intelligent assistant plugin on ChatGPT!

That was all! Go to the OpenAI ChatGPT store, install, and enjoy surfing Algorand with the AlgorandExplorer plugin!

Many new features are upcoming in version 2 (coming soon):
- NFD support
- Asset names
- Application names
- Algorand ecosystem developers and technical documentation
- Algorand ARCs

Stay tuned for AlgorandExplorer's next developments, features, and releases from GoPlausible! Follow @GoPlausible on Twitter or send mail to!

