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GitHub Action

Check Signed Commits in PR

v1 Latest version

Check Signed Commits in PR


Check Signed Commits in PR

Ensure PRs don't contain unsigned commits and help getting started with commit signing


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Check Signed Commits in PR

uses: 1Password/check-signed-commits-action@v1

Learn more about this action in 1Password/check-signed-commits-action

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Check signed commits in PR

A GitHub Action that checks the commits of the current PR and fails if it contains unsigned commits. It also places a comment in the PR to inform the author about next steps.


name: Check signed commits in PR 
on: pull_request_target

    name: Check signed commits in PR
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      contents: read
      pull-requests: write
      - name: Check signed commits in PR
        uses: 1Password/check-signed-commits-action@v1

pull_request_target vs. pull_request

Workflows containing this action can be configured to run both on pull_request events as on pull_request_target events.

The reason to prefer pull_request_target over pull_request is to allow the action to post comments on external PRs created from forks. The GitHub token that comes with the regular pull_request event does not support commenting on PRs in the upstream repo.

When using pull_request_target, make sure to set the right permissions in the workflow:

  contents: read
  pull-requests: write

Change PR Comment

The comment that will be placed in the PR upon detecting unsigned commits can be changed using the comment field:

- name: Check signed commits in PR
  uses: 1Password/check-signed-commits-action@v1
    comment: |
      Customized comment in the PR