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Join Buzz

Buzz serves as a unified control tower for GitHub and other tools, conveniently accessible through a menu bar app. It consolidates pull requests, calendar events, and more, eliminating the need for context switching and providing a quick overview. Trusted by elite engineering teams, Buzz ensures peace of mind for busy software developers.

It enables swift access and action on GitHub pull requests, keeps you updated on meetings, and facilitates a seamless workday with organized information.

Buzz seamlessly integrates with your existing tools (GitHub, Google Calendar, Slack), enhancing code reviews with shorter feedback loops and minimizing distractions by muting email notifications.

Designed specifically for elite developer teams, Buzz promotes teamwork, collaboration, and transparency in project management.

The positive testimonials from tech leaders and engineers emphasize the value and effectiveness of Buzz. Get ready to supercharge your developer productivity!

Have any questions? Don't hesitate to tweet or email us.

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Pricing and setup

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Join Buzz


Notifications for all of your organization's repositories for all members of your organization. Available for free on macOS and Windows. Multi-repo and cross-org support, Calendar events, Keyboard shortcuts, Slack integration, and many more.

Next: Confirm your installation location.

Join Buzz is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support contact.