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Statistical Consulting Services

The goal of the UCLA ATS Statistical Consulting Group is to help UCLA Faculty, Staff, and Graduate Students perform top-notch research, with the greatest emphasis on data analysis related to grants and publications, but also including dissertation research. We provide advice and resources to enable you to develop and/or extend your statistical computing skills, helping you to independently use common statistical packages for the analysis of research data.

What resources do you offer for help? We offer these resources to help you.

How do the web pages relate to walk in consulting? There is a feedback loop between our web pages and our walk in consulting.  When we see certain questions or themes of questions arise in consulting, it is a way of telling us that we need to have web pages that go into detail on such topics. We find that clients frequently consult our web pages and then ask us more challenging and sophisticated questions since they have already used the web to answer many of their questions.

Can you give examples of the kind of help you offer? When you are performing your research and you hit a road block, we can help you learn what you need to know to get past the road block and keep your research moving forward, or we can help you plan to avoid some road blocks later on in the research process.  We can make suggestions about how you might want to collect or input your data to help with your analysis.  We can show you the basic syntax to get you started with your analysis and give a basic explanation of the output, and give you references to books or manuals which can help you gain a greater mastery of the commands and understanding of the analysis and the output. We can help you understand your output, suggest further analyses to help clarify your results, and suggest references which provide more comprehensive information.

Can I get help with dissertation or other graduate level research? While grants and publications are very high priority for us, we gladly advise students working on their dissertation. We encounter many students who are not  well versed in using statistical packages when they start their analyses, so we strongly encourage all graduate students to start learning SAS, Stata and SPSS (e.g., via our classes) early in their graduate career because it takes weeks and months of hands on usage to get a working knowledge of SAS, Stata or SPSS.

What if I have specific questions about my dissertation?  We can help you implement strategies which your advisor/committee has approved.  The emphasis is on implementation.  For example, if your committee suggests that you perform a certain analysis, we can advise you on how to perform that analysis in SAS, Stata, or SPSS (or whatever package) or we can help you understand the output of the analysis.  However, it is not appropriate for ATS consultants to provide the kind of advice which should come from your chairperson or committee members.

What kinds of assistance are inappropriate? Our goal is to help as many UCLA researchers as possible.  Although there is a large gray area demarcating activities that are clearly appropriate from those that are clearly inappropriate, it is generally not proper (or possible) for a consultant to:

If I visit you, will my analysis take less time? No, generally not. While we might point out some time saving techniques, these are often offset by recommendations that take additional time like testing assumptions, thoroughly checking and documenting your data, or exploring other analysis possibilities. We often find that people underestimate the amount of time it takes for their data analysis since there can be many unexpected tasks that take additional time.

Additional Resources

Are you the only group that offers this kind of help on campus? While we are the only group that offers free year round statistical consulting geared towards researchers on the entire campus, there are other groups that offer related  services that compliment our services.  The Statistical Biomathematical Consulting Clinic and Paid Statistical Consulting via the UCLA Statistics Department offer fee for service consulting services.  Also, the UCLA Biostatistics Department offers Free Statistical Consulting, but we believe this is only available when class is in session. 

What if I need to hire a statistician? What if I need to hire a statistics tutor? We have a list of consultants and tutors available for hire that we can print and provide to you.

Do you know how I can access online books, journals, and statistical papers? If you visit our Statistics Books for Loan and Downloadable Books, there are a number of statistics books that are available for download (many requiring that you connect via a UCLA IP address).  Also, we have links to a number of Statistics Papers for Download.  Many of these journals are available because of licenses purchased by the UCLA library and the StatsNetBase books are via UC wide license.

Can you help me get statistical software? Software Central (another group within ATS) has worked to arrange discounted pricing for many of the statistical packages we use (including SAS, Stata, SPSS, Stat/Transfer, and SUDAAN). 

Can you help me with GIS Software? See http://www.ats.ucla.edu/portal/research_activities/gis/default.htm for information and resources regarding GIS.

Are there labs on campus where I can do my statistical computing? Yes.  The CLICC has computers with SAS, Stata, SPSS, SUDAAN, MLwiN, Mplus, and more.  All you need is a Bruin Online account and you can stop by and login.  Also see the UCLA Campus Computer Labs for links to a number of labs on campus. 

I am a Professor (or I am a TA). Can you help me teach statistics? Yes.  You are welcome to use any of the materials from our web site for non-commercial purposes.  In addition, our Resources for Teaching Statistics seminar has numerous resources within our site and from other sites around the world. We also welcome you to our consulting and we can talk with you and see how we may be able to assist or possibly collaborate. Other resources include the Center for Teaching Statistics in the Department of Statistics which seeks ways to integrate technology with pedagogy in this area.  If you need a lab for teaching hands on classes, you might check with the CLICC Lab .

Can I use your web pages for my teaching? The short answer is yes, you may use, copy, or adapt our pages for your use as long as the use is educational and non-commercial. See our copyright statement for more details.

Is there a group at UCLA focusing on computationally intensive statistics and graphics? The statistics department is forming the Center for Statistical Computing directed by Mark Hansen.

 Do you teach statistics? We focus on answering questions on how to analyze data using statistical software.  If you need help understanding statistics, perhaps you might want to check out the Statistics Tutors within the UCLA Statistics Department , take a statistics class, or ask us for our list of  consultants and tutors available for hire.

Can you teach me how to use my computer? Unfortunately we cannot.  But the CLICC has workshops on topics like Access, Excel, Photoshop, html, Word, and more! Also, University Extension has even more detailed classes on computer related topics.

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