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Yet another MinIO Upload

v1.1.3 Latest version

Yet another MinIO Upload


Yet another MinIO Upload

Upload file(s) to MinIO instance (self-hosted as well)


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Yet another MinIO Upload

uses: yakubique/minio-upload@v1.1.3

Learn more about this action in yakubique/minio-upload

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Yet another MinIO Upload GitHub Action

🥳Check also Yet another MinIO Download GitHub Action

Runs minio client to upload file(s) to MinIO (self-hosted as well)

Tricky part

Technically this action can be used with different S3-compatible services, but it needs tuning


  1. You should have a leading slash at the start of target
  2. You should include filename/dirname into target. If you have source=./directory and target=/subdir/directory, it would be nested - /subdir/directory/directory

Yandex Cloud

  1. For Ya.Cloud you have to include filename/dirname into target, otherwise you will get an empty target. Example: source=directory; target=/test leads to empty /test, but source=directory; target=/test/directory would upload as expected.


  1. Upload a file
- name: Upload to MinIO
  uses: yakubique/minio-upload@v1.1.3
    endpoint: ${{ secrets.MINIO_ENDPOINT }}
    access_key: ${{ secrets.MINIO_ACCESS_KEY }}
    secret_key: ${{ secrets.MINIO_SECRET_KEY }}
    bucket: my_bucket_name
    source: ./my-build-1-1-0.tar.gz
    # Leading slash is required
    target: '/builds'
  1. Upload a directory
- name: Upload a directory to MinIO
  uses: yakubique/minio-upload@v1.1.3
    endpoint: ${{ secrets.MINIO_ENDPOINT }}
    access_key: ${{ secrets.MINIO_ACCESS_KEY }}
    secret_key: ${{ secrets.MINIO_SECRET_KEY }}
    bucket: my_bucket_name
    source: ./public
    # Leading slash is required
    target: '/my-awesome-site'
    # If you omit the `recursive` argument, action only copies objects in the top level of the specified directory.
    recursive: true
  1. Upload to the insecure MinIO instance (http-only)
- name: Upload to MinIO
  uses: yakubique/minio-upload@v1.1.3
    endpoint: ${{ secrets.MINIO_ENDPOINT }}
    access_key: ${{ secrets.MINIO_ACCESS_KEY }}
    secret_key: ${{ secrets.MINIO_SECRET_KEY }}
    bucket: my_bucket_name
    source: ./access-log.1970.01.01.tar.gz
    # Leading slash is required
    target: '/logs'
    # Disables TLS/SSL certificate verification. Allows TLS connectivity to servers with invalid certificates.
    insecure: true