Historical images

Dive into a collection of captivating historical images that capture significant moments from the past. Discover the stories behind these images and gain a deeper understanding of our shared history.
50 Important Historical Photos That Might Change Your Perspective On Things (New Pics) | Bored Panda Vintage Photos, Perspective, History, Hamburg Germany, Historical Photos, Historical Pictures, Historical Images, Fotografie, Old Photos

In the mid-2000s, historian Anna Pegler-Gordon said that visual media often seems more accessible to her students than the written record. They claimed images make the past seem more accessible, giving concrete shape to a world that sometimes seems intangible. Not to mention the immediacy of the image, which often conveys information more quickly than a primary document written in an unfamiliar, or even a foreign, language. But according to Pegler-Gordon, this immediacy also works well in…

Kunigunde Knieriem
A Crowd In Time Square, New York City Celebrating The Surrender Of Germany In World War 2. This Photo Was Taken On May 7th, 1945 Ohio, Times Square, New York City, York, Madison Square Garden, Budapest, Michigan, Times Square New York, Times Square Ny

Since anyone could (and still can) say anything on the internet, people began challenging unbelievable and outlandish online claims with the phrase "pics or it didn't happen," shutting down many ridiculous discussions before they even begin.

Figo Albani🇦🇱