Grabcad Workbench Error "An internal error has occurred. Please contact if you are experiencing problems or you see this error again."

My gradcad workbench shows this error regardless of uninstall/reinstall. All of my company's projects are inaccessible and I cannot download or upload anything. When I tried to upload my changes, I get an error stating "Failed to upload to server"

Accepted answer

Follow these steps and it should work.
Close the Desktop App by selecting Exit in the main menu.
In a Windows file explorer type "%localappdata%\grabcad" into the address bar.
In this folder delete all the subfolders then open up the Desktop App. (Make sure you enter task manager and fully close grabcad workbench)
You will be asked to log in again, and your connections should be all reset.

1 Other answer

I also meet the same issue for ""An internal error has occurred". I type "%localappdata%\grabcad" comment then delate all file without any help. I also re*setting program also fail.