WoW dungeon design is a problem for new players

If you are a tank and try to do a dungeon and dont know the exact path and how to skip as much packs as possible your party usually gets actually angry at you. I had a friend straight up uninstall the game when he said “first time tanking” in his first dungeon and they immediately kicked him before he even pulled the first pack.

People just expect the tank to know the optimized route to go and if they fail to skip any packs they normally skip they get angry.

IMO it shouldnt be like this. Its not just a source of toxicity its a barrier to enjoying the game as new players.

To fix this you either need to make the optimal path the obvious path or just make dungeon designs more linear so its actually impossible to skip packs to begin with.


My first dungeon in wow was deadmines in vanilla. There were very few mechanics and it was very straightforward.

New players today get thrown into BFA dungeons and the most non-linear BFA dungeon: Atal’Dazar.

It’s wild that this is the case and that is has been this way for so long.


This is why I only tank for friends. They know I want to kill everything have no issues with it. We are there to have fun, after all.


I still remember getting vote kicked from WC for not knowing the direction to each boss when I was leveling for the first time back in Legion. Good times.

On a serious note though, it’s more of a community thing, it feels as though WoW players would rather spend 10 minutes complaining than 5 minutes explaining something. I would wager the average WoW player is a 30+ year old that comes home stressed from job, maybe their family is stressing them out as well and the concept of fun died a long time in their hearts.


Interesting take, but it’s been the younglings that think they’re the best players ever that are more prone to nerd rage in my adventures.

You forget, old folks don’t get in a hurry anymore, we’ve learned it doesn’t matter in the long run. It’s about the journey, not the destination.


Yep, it’s my biggest barrier to tanking more. I actually do enjoy the role. I’m perfectly competent with damage mitigation and positioning and all that. I just don’t really do dungeons that frequently, so I don’t know all the little skips and shortcuts. Plus combat is the fun part of the game to me, so I like to just kill the stuff. If we’re being honest of course, most players aren’t actually going to get annoyed about this. But it’s the possibility of encountering someone with such an attitude that puts me off.

See I don’t think I actually agree with that necessarily. I do still like the adventure aspect of a more open space with options. Sadly I think it’s one of those problems that mostly sits on the shoulders of the players. Some people are just impatient in dungeons. They see dungeons as a kind of barrier to the thing they want to do rather than being the thing they want to do, and they just want to get it over and done with.

Maybe I should actually find a guild again…


Each dungeon has to out-weird the last one these days. I think they design them to outwit Deadly Boss Mods rather than the players themselves.


Its because we had chen stormstout

Why are you always in such a rush? It is like you dash madly from one stranger in need to another, bent on gaining new experiences.

Life is not simply a glass you fill up! Stay a while, and enjoy the places you discove


You know, I would agree with you in most situations, especially since in Classic people had no issues guiding me in RFC, SFK or BFD for instance, but in Retail people are just used to the gogogo meta of the game, just want to do everything as fast as possible.


This is a map design problem. The bigger picture isn’t clear from glancing at multilayer maps, nor best way to get from one boss to another.

I think there should be a dungeon mode where you can enter and walk through, with none of the mobs or bosses doing anything. Wander around as many times as you like, mouse over and see tooltips on everything, an occasional popup telling you about some mechanic that isn’t going to be obvious without it.

Edit to add: They could add this as a difficulty called “stasis mode”. When in stasis mode and looking at the map of the dungeon you are in, there would be a button for “suggested routes” that you could click to see a few of the different ways you could run that dungeon.


These people are actually bad at leveling. In terms of the time it actually takes. For tanks, when you have instant queues, it is fastest to speedrun the last boss and get the bonus xps. So most tanks will speedrun the last boss and that’s probably why people think it’s good.

If your queue is not instant, you get more out of dungeons when tanks pull all xp-granting mobs in there, the more at once the better. Tanks who make a beeline for the end are robbing you of lots of xp, especially if you are rested. Right now, it’s even better with the midsummer buff.

It’s like he can see into my soul!

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Nah it has more to do with the cost of replacement in retail vs classic.

You kick someone from classic and you have to hearth back to town, if it’s not on an hour cooldown, spam trade chat while mobs respawn in the dungeon, run/fly back to the dungeon and start. It could take an hour to replace someone easily and the group could fall apart in that time.

In retail, you just queue back up and since you have a healer and 3 dps you get a tank super quickly.

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Definitely a problem. No shot my MIL would understand these dungeons in BFA.

I mean, you can cut the hearth part nowadays due to the LFG chat and it doesn’t take that long to replace people, but I can see where you’re coming from.


I haven’t played TBC classic but I know for classic vanilla there are global chats but they’re not on by default. Did they fix that for TBC?

I thought all the Classic Andys were saying Classic was better because of the freeform dungeons and Retail was bad because everything was too linear?

On a serious note though, I do think the BFA dungeons are horrid for new players. I don’t even think you get a kick on most classes for some time and have to do content that was designed for originally designed for max-level players.


I’m not a fan of skipping or even speed running in general. Every once in a blue moon I’ll get a group in like a normal or leveling dungeon that thinks they’re trying to beat the mythic clock, and wouldn’t you know they are at least half likely to turn toxic if or when I can’t keep up.

I mean if you can’t chillax in a normal dungeon, then where?

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ooooor, keep things interesting for the vast majority of players who are not new by not changing the dungeons to a single corridor with mobs and a boss in the end, and simply acknowledge that tanking is a role that demands some experience.

How bout that?


BFA dungeons are not that bad for new players.

best dungeons visually and themathic.

The problem is first BFA dungeons are Atal Dazar + Freehold :clown_face:

Very Tricky dungeons.

in Freehold , you have the skip , just kill the last boss.

in Atal , you have 3 ways to start the dungeon.