Are you happy with your class?

Or do you have a lot of alts?

Personally, I love my Rogue. I started vanilla with a Mage, then Hunter in BC, then back to mage in Wrath then Rogue since Cata.

I have 6 level 60’s (Hunter, Mage, Shaman, Warlock, Demon Hunter & this Rogue)… but just can’t seem to focus on any of them.

I love my Rogue too much to spend time playing other classes, but I do want to do other professions, get xmog’s, class mounts etc, but can only do so through alts.

How do you guys feel? Are you guys altoholics? Do you stick with just your main? I’m curious how everyone else feels.


I have 6 holy paladin 60 alts but i don’t like my class ever since they trashed infusion of light in SL prepatch

Judgment not generating holy power for holy is also a very big source of disappointment


Sort of, I kinda wish Prot was more engaging by itself and not dependent on how difficult the content is or that Ret felt less clunky like it did back in WoD, the Legion rework kinda screwed up the spec if you ask me. I don’t play Holy to have an opinion about it.

Likewise, I think Mage struggles hard to accomplish it’s established class fantasy, the spec lock destroyed the class’ identity in my opinion, so seeing as Class Fantasy > Gameplay to me, I kinda tend to have an easier time sticking to my Paladin.

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?? You have 6 Holy Paladins at level 60??

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Yeah and they’re all above 260 pvp ilvl lol


I’ve loved my rogue since I made it on Christmas 2005, but I feel like since the play style never really changes much for me that I get a bit bored eventually. Since legion, I’ve started with my rogue, gone hard, stopped just short of some achievement or progression goal then rolled a tank alt to start all over.
Generally I then roll all 6 tanks and get them to some form of competency for that expansions challenge/tmog thing.

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Couldn’t agree more. I got my Pally alt to 40+ and felt so squishy as Ret and decided to level as Prot. Takes longer to kill, but never got close to dying.

Mage feels “off” to me which is kinda sad because I really loved my mage (even though I leveled him to 60). Warlock just doesn’t feel the same either for me since Wrath.

Class Fantasy > Gameplay

I honestly feel Blizz should stop trying to balance every class/spec and focus on the class fantasy. If a class can’t top DPS, then allow it to bring some support/utility to a group to make up for the lack of DPS.

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for sure! it feels like druids have always been treated like blizzard’s favorite child :revolving_hearts:


I agree, one of the best features of Classic if you ask me, especially in TBC where’s a bit more balanced, but still, I think during Legion there was a bit of a “Diablozation” of WoW, Paladin for instance straight up became a Crusader from D3 and the price was the sacrifice of the previous established WoW fantasy unfortunately.


i had to delete another 45 toon to create a new monk on a new server… all 50 slots are taken up; i believe i have 16 60’s last i counted.

i may have a problem.

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This is my on my lock. I’m happy:


That deserves an → :open_mouth:

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Im not that happy, i have a lot of alts, i wish healers or at least priest with 2 healer options have more tools to play as a healer in diferent builds.

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2 Healer option does seem kinda weird imo. I know it’s been there since vanilla, but Blizz should do to Priests what they did with Hunters and completely revamp one of the specs.

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Hunter, yes. I am of the more reasonable people who go BM still does damage while moving. When I run I love it for this. I like MM for its angles (my fave spec). SV can have a patch level to be good. its going to crap end of expac when borrowed power is pulled…let it have its party for now.

rogue…no. TBCC has me want combat rogue back. hoping outlaw, or roll the bones…it can keep the name but RTB must die lol, dies in the tree redo.

Dh…no comment. Every change/idea gets monkey pawed… at least this time VDH got something. I will take that. Usually blizzard kicks both of them in the junk. just to be sure.

No, a lot of fun talents are locked in the same section. I had a lot of fun with older rotations giving me access to certain combos. Now some of the best talents are the least enjoyable. One of them being a passive that’s just pick or be a dumbass in the final slot.

I haven’t play Outlaw in any form of endgame but I already know that I won’t enjoy roll the bones.


No, i haven’t been since WoD ended.
I hate the stupid infernal playstyle and being locked to massive cooldowns to do proper damage.

Give me back MoP/Wod destro
Give me back toggle fnb and aoe chaos bolts, give me back the old dark soul and the ability to cast incinerate while running.


^ This right here, at least VDH got something rather than uhh idk nothing? lol

I couldn’t agree more.