What is the point of raids now?

You can get the tier out of M+. You can get mythic quality items from M+. It takes 5 people instead of 20+. Its easier to schedule.

I just dont see the point in raiding anymore.

Are you raiding? Do you like it over m+? Why? Why not?


People enjoy it. I don’t. I’d imagine people raiding now, since it is clearly not for the gear for the most part, simply enjoy it.


I’m guessing fun and or being challenged. It is supposed to be a game after all.


Raiding is more fun than M+.


Lies and deceit!


Yea lot of people enjoy raiding and that is one of the big reason to commit so much time to it, it’s also a bit faster to gear for the max level gear and still has some unique pieces like the 285 gear for this raid. But even that rustle a couple jimmies because as soon as raid offer something better it becomes raid or die.

Personally also I would have preferred the tier to only come from raids (and not be usable in pvp) but to be fair the drop rate in the current situation is terrible so the forge was needed. If they made it drop 4 piece of tier for 20 man in raids it would have solved a lot and we wouldn’t have needed the forge much.

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Fun, playing in larger groups, and not having to leave guild members sitting in Oribos bored or looking for a pug because only groups of exactly 5 can run keys.

Oh, and no quaking/sanguine/bursting, etc. Dealing with that nonsense for a solid half hour or longer is actively unfun.


I think this would have helped a lot. Also maybe have raid gear increase in quality beyond what you could get in m+ with a currency upgrade the same way valor works maybe?

Just spit balling ideas to have more incentive other than fun factor.


Mega true. I hope they revist affixes and make it to where you dont look at some and think to yourself “yea, no m+ this week, thanks”.

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Yea in it’s current form, there is no reason that raid loot shouldn’t be upgradable like M+ loot and drop valor.


raiding changes the way one would play their class, significantly…all three of the end-game modes are very different from one another, and have different demands from your role :nerd_face:

an example is the “healer dps” debate…raid healing will feel very different from m+ healing. From your talent choices down to the stat allocation on your gear. :heavy_heart_exclamation:


I do. It offers a way to get a neat mount for 200k gold.


I wanted to like your post but…

Wow! You’ve been sharing a lot of love! You’ve reached the maximum daily likes for today, but as you gain trust levels, you’ll earn more daily likes. You’ll be able to like posts again in 12 minutes.

Blizz WHY?!


M+ is just a hamster wheel to keep people busy. Raids still have some fun attached.


Can’t have TOO much positivity in this community!

It sometimes makes me question liking something so I don’t run out. lol

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I don’t even feel like I have liked that many posts… but I guess I have.

I think Blizz should remove the like limit for TL3. If you trust me let me like who I damn well please. :stuck_out_tongue:


Pretty much. Raiding is a different animal. Different challenges, different atmosphere. It can also be less stressful, less personal responsibility. If you mess up most of the time the 19 other people can carry on.


It’s to give people options. Some people like raiding. I use to raid up until Legion. I don’t like Mythic+ because of some of it’s affixes and the whole key thing. It’s all to appeal to different tastes.


Ideally you actually liked raiding.